Our Triples (Vol. 1)
A page of some the original triples we’ve created and adapted for your challenges
Our work is easy to learn, easy to use, and easy to remember. Why?
Because we use triples.
A triple is “key three” set of core elements that explain how to best address a challenge.
Decades after learning a triple, many our clients still say thank you for the triples we shared with them. Your brain can remember a triple for a long time!
There’s more to learning something than a triple (like science, experiential learning, and all those other methods we use at OYF), but a good triple is a great foundation.
Here is a page of our favorite original triples that we created for our work and trainings with links to deeper dives.
How do you build highly collaborative teams?
This triple makes up the ACE Team Model, a model built on what science shows teams need to do the most to perform and collaborate at their highest level.
To use the model, team members acknowledge by seeing the needs and celebrating the accomplishments of each other, connect through stories and experiences, and explore ways to improve working together in a way that everyone feels ownership of the future.
How do you navigate uncertainty in the modern working world?
Let Go
Notice More
Use Everything
This triple comes from the Improv Mindset, a mindset for navigating uncertainty, inspired by how improv performers act on stage and refined with behavioral science. It helps people collaborate, communicate, create, and navigate uncertainty together.
To use the mindset, you let go of what cannot be change, notice more about your environment, and then use everything (or at least a lot of things) in effective ways.
How do you deliver an engaging a presentation?
Balance your attention on:
The Presenter (You)
The Audience (Them)
The Content (It)
This triple forms the Engagement Triangle. Most presenters focus on themselves or their content, and they often forget about the audience. This model helps you do the opposite.
To do this, you focus on the you, the presenter (your knowledge, authority, identity), them, the audience (their dreams, needs, realities, questions), and it, the content (the data, slides, argument, facts). You balance this by consistently checking in with the audience in a way that is conversational and responsive, so you can select the right parts of the content to share with them.
How do you give effective feedback?
This triple forms the MIC Model for giving effective feedback. The model is important, because often we give feedback that only does one of three such as a high-energy boss that emotionally motivates but does not inform with useful direction and does not connect in a supportive human way.
To give effective feedback in every day situations or special situations like annual reviews, you should strive to motivate (provide emotion, efficacy, inspiration, incentive), inform (give data, direction, information, guidance, possibilities), and connect (friendship, positivity, support, relationship, trust). To “MIC Up,” we have developed a number of tools for feedback conversations that allows you to give the type of feedback that does all three.
How do you creatively solve problems?
Frame the Problem
Break Routines
Communicate the Value
This triple forms our model for Creative Problem Solving Model. It is a widely effectively straightforward model that can be useful in most all problem solving situations — unlike most design thinking models which tend to more for niche scenarios.
To give creatively solve problems, first Frame the Problem, so you make sure you are solving the “right” problem, rather than just rushing in. Then Break Your Routines, because if you need new solutions, you need new behaviors, so do something different. Finally, Communicate the Value by using another triple the Goal - > Insight -> Action (more on this in Volume 2!) communication template, because a good solution only gets to be an implemented action, when you can communicate its value to others. Together this flexible model is the one every should be using, or at least have to compliment what they are already doing to solve problems.
End of Volume 1. Volume 2 coming soon.