Start Stop Do More


Start, Stop, Do More, is a simple tool for asking for feedback that can help people get what they need in the moment and create a large culture of feedback.

Many companies have to goal to create a culture of feedback.

One insight is that getting people to more easily ask for feedback is one of the best ways to make that happen and best way to make that happen is for a person to ask for feedback at the time they need it, in away that is clear connected to their goals.

As you will see in this video, there are two things this will model can reduce:

  • Vague feedback that is unconnected to a clear goal.

  • Unsolicited feedback that is not helpful or comes at the wrong time.

The Tool

For more productive feedback conversations first use this template to ask for it. 

“I am working on __________,

My goal is to __________,

What should I start, stop, and do more of?"

Note: Make sure to fill in those first two blanks with enough detail to help someone else give you the best feedback for your work and goals.


Recently, we were working with a leader in Mexico City who repeatedly gave an introduction before the feedback training we were delivering to their teams, which included the Start, Stop, Do More tool.

After the first day, this leader approached us and used the tool in real-time, saying, “I’m working on improving my introduction. My goal is to make it shorter and to set the tone of the workshop. What do you think I should start, stop, and do more of?”

It was exciting to see how easy it was for her to ask for feedback because she had the template. It was also easy for us to provide feedback since we had three categories (stop, start, do more) to respond to.

Additionally, it was a joy for us to see the immediate impact of our tool in action. The next time this leader gave the introduction, she was thrilled because it was briefer and even more effective.

Why It Works 

The Start, Stop, Do More tool works because it is a memorable "triple" (an idea grouped in threes) that makes feedback easy to ask for and respond to.

From a scientific point of view, the tool works because . . . 

1. It is a schema that makes the conversation easier and shrinks the change.

As discussed in the influential books Atomic Habits and Switch, change comes when you “make it easy” and “shrink the change.”

Start, Stop, More does both of these things by giving people a schema structure that, in this case, makes it easier for people to ask for feedback, and respond to this request. Without this simple structure, you can get vague requests that lack schema, or overly complicated requests that can be harder to respond to. 

2. It creates a social norm that permits constructive criticism.

Many people feel uncomfortable giving critical feedback, and this tendency to avoid criticism is one of the main reasons people fail to give helpful feedback.

Start, Stop, Do More social normalizes constructive criticism as the seeker of feedback saliently and explicitly requests it.

3. It reduces empathy gaps by connecting the feedback to a goal. 

Have you ever sought out feedback but got a response that was not at all related to your work and goals? Probably. One reason for this is what scientists call an “empathy gap.” In feedback situations, empathy gaps frequently occur when we assume that others understand our situation and/or assume they understand our situation when they do not. 

This is why beginning the request for Start, Stop, Do More by first clearly stating what one is working on and what one’s goals are so important. Tools like Start, Stop, Do More exist out there, but they often do not include this first clarification stage as part of the tool.


Remember What’s Important


The Decision Tree