A Quick Guide to Running a Strategy Meeting

A Quick Guide to Running a Strategy Meeting

Leading a strategy meeting can be exhausting, but it doesn’t have to be. Do your team members seem bored with long meetings about numbers? Are they hesitant to participate? You can utilize techniques to make them more exciting and get people involved. On Your Feet presents a quick guide to running a strategy meeting.

Have a Plan

Picture this: Your company is at a crossroads—how do you ensure that every decision aligns with the greater mission? You must understand the purpose of your strategy meeting before setting up shop in the meeting room. This understanding will guide every move, every decision, and every piece of advice offered. With this in mind, your meeting objectives should be precise, measurable, and, above all, in line with your company’s long-term goals.

Ready, Set, Meeting

Prepping for a strategy meeting is crucial to how well it will go. Ensure you prepare all meeting attendees and that they’re ready to provide their input. Leave time for discussions and questions while you’re preparing. Provide a safe space for employees to give suggestions. You don’t want people to feel afraid or hesitant about voicing their thoughts.

The Performance

Beginning a strategy meeting is like the first chapter of a book. It has to hook you in. Start strong with a compelling overview. Keep it warm and personal; numbers will have their time later.

Time is your currency, and you should spend it wisely. Don’t be afraid to steer the meeting back on track if a point is dragging out and wandering. The most thrilling part of the meeting is when ideas fight for dominance. Everyone should stay respectful and always encourage everyone to share their wisdom.

On Your Feet can help you come up with a winning strategy for each meeting you host. We have 25 years of executive meeting facilitation experience and expert team members who will teach you techniques to ensure your meetings are fun, exciting, and successful.

Ending the Meeting

What is there left to do after making decisions and planning? The post-meeting phase isn’t so much a lull in activity as it ensures the sparks set off during the meeting light a fire in the company.

The above quick guide to running a strategy meeting will help you and your team members have fun and successful meetings. Implement these strategies, hold a meeting, and watch how your business evolves. Don’t just do it for the profit margins; do it because a meeting well-run is a legacy in the making.


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