Better Meetings
Meetings are a constant in any organization — are yours worth attending?
At On Your Feet we recognize the untapped potential within every meeting, and deliver highly impactful facilitation training to unlock this potential for you and your team.
“On Your Feet brings the humanity back to the work.”
- Tim Ramirez, Senior Director Brand Marketing | Nike
About Our Trainings
People love our meeting facilitation trainings because they are
Highly interactive and completely experiential
A “be more human” approach that focuses on people’s real needs
Immediately actionable with tools and mindsets
Customized based on conversations with team members
Based in applied improvisation, teaching you how to adapt flexibly
Science-supported including how different types of meetings affect the brain
Incredibly fun, as meetings often should be
Logistically, our trainings are
Delivered in person, hybrid, or virtually
Done in one or two sessions
Designed for 5 to 50 people
Created to be scalable for organizations
Our approaches
Be More Human at Work with Improv
On Your Feet was featured in a NYT’s article on improving work with humanity and applied improvisation.
Tools for Virtual Meetings
Create more interactivity with tools like “Scavenger Hunt.”
Highly Interactive Virtual Experiences (HIVEs) in your meetings offer both structure and improvisation.
Shark Walks
A way to do meetings while walking or doing a secondary activity informed by a lot of science.
The Engagement Triangle
Create flow between the presenter, the ideas, and the rest of the team with this approach.
Lead meetings better by knowing a little about how the brain works from our team’s original academic research on motivation, memory, and belonging.
Exciting Meetings
Google Case Study: We helped teams use virtual and physical spaces to improve meeting outcomes.
Hybrid Solutions
Sometimes meetings are hybrid, and this requires a whole different set of techniques.