Effective Feedback

Feedback that Informs, Motivates and Connects

Our highly experiential feedback workshops give your team the tools, practice, and comfort to master giving and receiving highly effective feedback

TakeAways From our Workshops

You’ll walk away with:

  • An understanding of the purposes of feedback

  • A set of tools to immediately use to give better feedback

  • Experential practice both giving and receiving feedback

  • Insights in the behavioral and brain science behind feedback

  • Directions on how to create a culture of feedback

  • A smile because our workshops always bring more joy, less fear, and better results

Example Tools for Feedback & Coaching

Listening for What They Care About is an essential first step


Start, Stop, Do More makes asking for feedback easier

Example Workshops

The Six Steps

Our most popular feedback workshop is a 3.5 workshops features six steps (tools) broken into two parts, because we believe getting ready is as important .

Getting Ready

  1. Enter with a Positive Mantra

  2. Listen for what They Care About

  3. Create conversational flow By Accepting Offers

Giving Effective Feedback

  1. Be Clear with the specific Why-What-When

  2. Cover it all with Start-Stop-Do More

  3. Always highlight bright spots with “That, Yes, That”

“On Your Feet brings us powerful tools for the workplace.”

Claudia Kohlman, Senior Director, Design Capability | P&G


“On Your Feet gives our employees practice with vital skills that are needed.”

Lori A. Heino-Royer, Director of Business Innovation NA | Daimler Trucks


Your Goal

You want to create a great culture of feedback because when people give and receive productive feedback it informs, motivates, and connects them, leading to better results for the individual and the team.

Our Insight

People and teams lack the confidence, comfort, and structures to reliably give and receive effective feedback and because of this, feedback conversations often happen at the wrong time (too quickly or too late), with the wrong tone (too nice or too mean), and they can be unhelpful (unclear or not relevant).

The Solution

Our highly interactive trainings give your people the confidence, comfort, and structures to give and receive great feedback. Through a tool-based experiential approach backed by science and art, our trainings insure the learning is sticky and transformative in a way that builds a culture of feedback.

More About Our feedback Work

Mariah’s Model is a tool for giving feedback in group situations


The science of blocking is important to understand

Nike Case Studies of OYF WOrk

How On Your Feet transformed a Nike Design Studio’s communication

Read Case


How On Your Feet’s work powers Nike Learning & Development experiential trainings

More Cases

On Your FEet in the Press

Our work is based in the the art of applied improvisation. To learn more read Do Improvise by our Co-founder Robert Roynton


The business case for experiential trainings in the NYT featuring On Your Feet